Peter Pond newsletter :: May 2012 :: #41
Hello yet again.
I don't think I've ever had three newsletters in month. So this is a first but I daresay worth it. One of the two authors currently working on a full length Peter Pond book has broken his silence and come forward with a significant progress report.
Hi Bill,
I hope all is well. I am pleased to let you know that the University of Nebraska Press has agreed to publish my biography of Pond. Unfortunately it will not be available in your local bookstore for a while yet. I still have a few months to get the manuscript in shape, and the process of turning it into a book takes time, but it should be released in the spring of 2014. I will see what I can do to get you an advance copy when the time comes. The working title, which will in all likelihood be the final title, is "Freshwater Passages: The Trade and Travels of Peter Pond." Much of the narrative will be familiar to you, but I have been able to uncover a respectable amount of new information, and I think you will find that I tell the Milford part of his story in more detail than my predecessors.
I will keep you posted as things progress. I am off in a few weeks to spend the summer on canoe trip in Northwestern Ontario. I will be taking a group on a six-week trip on the Otoskwin and Throat Rivers and surrounding area. It will be nice to be canoeing rather than writing about it for a while.
David Chapin
P.O. Box 67
Nottingham, NH
Here is a nice response to Peter Pond Society 40 on how a Peter Pond descendant and his father (David Eastman of Hartland, VT) would like to be part of the next annual canoe and kayak race at the Milford Oyster Festival which takes place the third Saturday of every August.
I love oysters (I grew up attending the Norwalk Festival), and Caleb and I love to paddle. We should enter this year's race! I had no idea such a thing existed. I would love for Caleb and I to just get t-shirts that say Peter Pond on them. I am so glad they changed the name back. Caleb has already said that he wants to wear his coonskin cap for the race and we have a dog who could ride with us who looks a bit like Seamus too!
I think it would be pretty cool to have a Peter Pond decendent in the race too!
I will be in touch for more info. I have already checked out the web site and will be sure to register as needed. We may ask you if we can park our small pop-up camper in your driveway to stay for the weekend if possible.
Thanks for letting us know about this. I'll bet your experience in the race with your son was a real bonding experience. I can't wait to give it a try with my son.
Merci, Dave, "Pere au Caleb, Peter Pond's Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grand Nephew"

Au revoir,
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