Peter Pond newsletter :: August 2006 :: #25
Silver Jubilee Newsletter
Here it is, the 25th newsletter. A milestone. Call it the Silver Jubilee.
But it will be short. There's little to talk about. But as always, you'll find it interesting.
I plan to show my every-other-year-or-so Peter Pond slide show again, this time to none other than the Milford Historical Society, 7:30 p.m. Monday Sept. 18 at Mary Taylor Memorial United Methodist Church parish hall, 168-176 Broad Street, Milford.
Some of you might remember back when I first presented this subject to MHS, Jan. 18, 1988, his birthday. It was just before I went on my Peter Pond canoe pilgrimage that summer and brought back more interesting subject matter, visual. All I did in January at the DAR building was read excerpts from books, and I have a feeling it was dull. Hence my not being asked back for so long, perhaps. Hope they find it more interesting this time, seeing where Peter Pond trod in Canada and historical markers commemorating his presence. You're all invited.
This time a new wrinkle I plan is to invite people who I have found knew the modern Peter Pond. That Peter Pond was the controversial, colorful individual who was first director of Milford YMCA in the 1950's, went on to become a Presbyterian missionary in Cambodia where he saved many from the Khmer Rouge killing fields of Pol Pot in the 1970's, adopting about a dozen Cambodian children in the process. He died in 2000 in Providence, R.I. and his long, laudatory obituary can be found near the end of Newsletter No. 7. As you may remember, I have invited comparisons between Peter Pond the elder and Peter Pond the younger, remarkably similar.
Jim McPherson of Hay River, NWT, has again sent me an interesting item about another Peter Pond influence in his part of the world. His father was an owner of the "Peter Pond" boat that plied Great Slave Lake for years, as mentioned in the last newsletter. Here's evidence of Peter Pond's presence on the lake, another archeological dig near the city of Yellownife:
As a space filler toward the bottom of the page, here is a short article on my June weekend visit to Canada, to Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, for a graveside ceremony honoring my great-grandfather, Lee Nutting, a Civil War hero. The re-enactors' of the 61st New York Regiment, his old outfit. If you click on the top of three pictures to the left, you will see what I look like with a somber expression.
PS-See Beaver Club medal photos now on Peter Pond Society website homepage. Look great.

Au revoir,
website design by Daniel Ortoleva