Peter Pond newsletter :: AUGUST 2000 :: #3
Hello again,
Didn't think you'd hear from me quite so soon? The news business is a fluid one.
I thought I should share the latest news on the status of the Prince Albert plaque from Flo Miller, also a Peter Pond Society member. It came right after I sent No. 2 following my request for an update. Peter Long, another Peter Pond Society member, has been writing her too, and she sent him the same answer. Basically, no new site has been found, but it is impressive to see all the agencies working on it. It seems the situation is in good hands.
If no one has noticed, my web page has been enhanced with more photos, including shots of the plaques both in Prince Albert and Fort McMurray, those discussed in Newsletter 1. And there are shots from my 1988 Clearwater trip including Methye Portage and below, views that Peter Pond saw too.
Also, the site is up to 606 hits. Guess I'll have to let you all know when it breaks 1000.
- Bill
Subj: Re: Peter Pond plaque
Date: 8/14/00 10:37:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time
The status of relocating the plaque commemorating Peter Pond is unchanged. As you know, Parks Canada's primary concern regarding locating the plaque at a new location continues to be public safety. A number of potential sites have been suggested. Each of the potential sites will be evaluated on their viability in respect to public safety, plaque security and public accessibility. Parks Canada has been consulting with area residents, the Prince Albert Historical Society, the Rural Municipality of Buckland and the City of Prince Albert but no decision has been reached.
Flo Miller
Site Manager, Batoche NHS

Au revoir,
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